Welcome to Ineo

Strategy isn’t about slides, it’s about activating your people and igniting your organisation from within.

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Making organisations thrive through their people !

What do you want for your organization?

What do you want for your organization?

When we work with a client, we know they are asking us to be something most consultants don’t offer them. Yes, they call upon us to help them understand what their business needs. Yes, they rely on us to help them formulate a strong and pragmatic strategy. And yes, they also ask us how they can bring this strategy to life in their organisation.

More than that, however, they ask us to be by their side. To speak the truth, in a way that brings trust and respect. They are asking us to help them see the forest for the trees. They don’t want a carbon-copy of what some other company did. They are turning to us to help them make choices that are right for their company.

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Strategy isn’t about slides

Strategy isn’t about slides

It’s about activating your people, this is what we do: We speak with the people in your company, we pull them in and gather them. People from across the organisation that may not have spoken in real life for months, or ever, are being asked what their view on things is. And then we bring that together to inspire and consolidate our analysis.

We analyse all that and we create a diagnosis, which is a ‘state-of-the-union’ review in which we highlight what works, what is missing, and what is needed to thrive in the future, aligning your talents on a common understanding of the situation and objectives. And we offer pragmatic suggestions, co-designed and/or reviewed with the people in the organisation, and vetted by our external experts.

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Translate it into practice

Translate it into practice

We help you draft the new organisational setup to make your new plans work: is it one team? A new department? A change in operations and procedures? Who gets to make which kind of choices? That’s what we work on, with your people, and with our years of experience across different industries. So even if your people can’t imagine another way of doing things, we can. We guide our clients through this change.

And it all starts by asking, what is it you really want for this organisation?

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Our values at Ineo



We support our clients to define what they will and will not do; we remain transparent along each step of the thinking and transformation process.



We co-create vision that inspires. We embrace new information and seek out multiple opinions from our client’s stakeholders and strive to ensure all involved in the company truly feel valued.



We conduct business in a candid way and we communicate openly and fairly. We stand up and take accountability. We are convinced that this way of interacting strengthens our impact and culture in everything we do.

“Thank you for all your support, openness and for always being available with sound and challenging views.”

— Client Country Management Director


Feel free to contact us with your questions related to our services.


+32 479 576 382


Ineo EA

Chaussée de Wavre 1110

1160 Brussels


Av. do Mal. Gomes da Costa 1551

4150-360 Porto


